“But by the remarkable grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not without effect.”  1 Corinthians 15:10 (AMP)

As a “Wig Enthusiast”, nothing has appealed to me more than seeing women feel whole again. Creating and transforming “manes” is not just a business for me; it’s a passion that is fueled when a woman regains and revives her inner and outer beauty. Witnessing a woman transition from self-pity and hopelessness to ever feeling beautiful – believing that they can never again feel confident in front of the mirror again – to a woman who embraces her femininity, fullness, and confidence in her beauty is an incomparable experience.

Throughout a woman’s life journey she embodies a multiplicity or an array of roles: being the primary caretaker, birthing new life, guiding the family system and, now more than ever, making their marks in the political and economic arena. You, being the wonderful human being that you are, deserve to be empowered and stunning. At Mane Transformations, we give you back your long lost sense of self and enhance your inner beauty by transforming your mane crown. 

Whether you are a busy, working mom stuck in a never-ending cycle of 9 to 5, are having difficulty maintaining your hair, or are struggling with a medical condition like Alopecia or Cancer – we have transformation solutions for you. 


Mane Transformations was birthed from my personal struggle with alopecia. My hair loss was gradual; at the time I had beautiful, waist length dreadlocks that I groomed for 10+ years. It was devastating, my hair was such a huge part of who I was and my life journey. I started making my own wigs about 8 years ago.

The decision for the name Mane Transformations was not a difficult one because of my hair loss journey and my love of monarch butterflies, which represents transformation and rebirth. The concept and logo design was inspired by my love of well made wigs, butterflies, and my favorite
characters in the film series Transformers, Optimus Prime and Bumblebee.
Mane Transformations is my safe space with a relatable connection to people who are dealing with or have dealt with hair loss due to a medical condition. I know what it feels like to go through this journey, and I am still learning and working on myself daily.

From the woman dealing with hair loss to the woman who wants to switch it up at work, I look forward to “Enhancing your inner beauty by transforming your mane crown.” Let your transformation journey begin with Mane Transformations. Leave behind your vulnerabilities, insecurities and fears, and enter your new chapter of life as a queen with a beautiful mane to conquer your world.